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Lewes Yard Waste Collection Announced

Lewes Curbside Residential Yard Waste Program

April 1, 2011

The City of Lewes announces the beginning of curbside residential yard waste collection service provided by Blue Hen Disposal, effective April, 2011.

 Collection will be offered on the following Wednesdays:



April 6, 13, 20, & 27
May 4, 11 & 25
June 8 & 22
July 13 & 27
August 10 & 24
September 7 & 21
October 5, 12, 19 & 26
November 9 & 23
December 14


January 11
February 15
March 7 & 21

Yard waste shall be defined as plant material that comes from lawn maintenance and other gardening and landscaping activities including: grass, leaves, pruning, brush, shrubs, tree limbs up to 4" in diameter, and garden materials.

Yard waste can be contained in plastic, paper, or compostable bags or homeowner supplied containers compatible with Hauler's truck lifting mechanism (Toter brand or equivalent). 

Bundles of materials must contain limbs not greater than 4" in diameter, not to exceed four (4) feet in length. Bags and bundles must weigh less than fifty (50) pounds each.

Bags, bundles, or containers containing materials other than yard waste will not be collected. 

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